ExCM 2007 Configuration
Find solutions to common problems and situations that other customers have experienced.
- how to replace login.aspx
- ExCM Delegation Mail Definitions problem
- Can I attach a document in the invitaion email
- Error: Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neutral culture
- Role Manager feature has not been enabled
- User sent to the login page before registration
- 64 bit vs. 32 bit...
- Allow anonymous access to register.aspx
- Registration page error
- Where is the Password Reset Link?
- SiteURL Issue
- Delegation Mail Definitions - {ProfileProperty[PropertyName]}
- The resource object was not found
- Register and Reset Password page problem
- Error when activating site feature
- Invalid request error on registration link
- Hook into deny event on approval process
- Upgrade Issues
- Registration.aspx returning "File Not Found"
- Custom Profile Properties don't display in userdisp.aspx
- Reset Password
- Mail definitions not functioning
- Amount of time logged on
- Lock User
- Cannot Invite Users
- Error trying to edit users
- Error configuring web.config file with ExCM settings
- Credential verification failed
- Users can no longer register
- No warning when adding users that already exist on the user database