Error configuring web.config file with ExCM settings

When I configure the web.config file on the Extranet Zone (the Intranet Zone remains untouched), we get 500 - internal server error.

We have a few of questions:

1) Do we need to make these changes on the web.config for the extranet or the intranet zone?

2) Do we need to make any changes to the code on the ExCM Section Handlers?

3) Any suggestions on how to fix this error?

Here is the code we are using according to the instructions on " ExCM Help - Configuration - Site Collections and Sites - Configuring a web.config file with ExCM settings"



extranet>membershipSettings useEmailAsUsername="true" passwordMessage="Passwords are at least 8 characters long and should contain one of each of the following: number, lower case letter, uppercase letter, special character" passwordExample="Aggies#1" />




sectionGroup name="extranet">section name="membershipSettings" type="SPSolutions.SharePoint.Delegation.Configuration.MembershipSettingsSection, SPSolutions.SharePoint.Delegation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=08a33cc09f006379" />




Jesus Perez

Texas A&M University

section name="approvedDomainNames" type="SPSolutions.SharePoint.Delegation.Configuration.ApprovedDomainNamesSection, SPSolutions.SharePoint.Delegation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=08a33cc09f006379" />sectionGroup>
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  • 0
    Matthew McBride

    While using the same web.config sections in both your intranet and extranet zones are not required it is certainly the best practice. If you receive a 500 after configuration I would recommend turning off SharePoint's friendly error message feature and posting the error message. You can turn off friendly error messages by following the instructions here...

    If you like we also have a SKU on our site have a SharePoint Solutions representative perform the installation for you via a remote session. This operation typically takes are 2 hours. If you feel your configuration is almost correct but just need a little help with the final touches you can also get help by sending an e-mail to

    Jeremy Luerkens
    Manager, Software Production
    SharePoint Solutions
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