Where do my external users find a link to access the password reset page? I didn't see it on the sign in page.
Where do my external users find a link to access the password reset page? I didn't see it on the sign in page.
The 'Reset Password' link needs to be added manually. The steps for changing this page differ depending on what SharePoint configuration you are using. The two most common methods are using a layouts page or a publishing page. If you are using a layouts login page you need to make a copy of the login.aspx page and add the 'Forgot Password' link. This page can be found at...
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS
The ExCM application ships with some sample login pages for each configuration. You can find them here...
C:\Program Files\SharePoint Solutions\Extranet Collaboration Manager\Customizations
In most cases you can copy the 'login-layouts-pwdreset.aspx' page to the Layouts directory, rename it to extlogin.aspx (or some other name) and update your web.config file to let SharePoint know where the new login page is located. If you are using a publishing page you can use the 'login-publishing-pwdreset.aspx' as your template. You will need to open your login page up with SharePoint Designer and modify the contents to include the publishing password reset content.
Hi Jeremy,
I copied the 'login-layouts-pwdreset.aspx' page to the layouts directory, renamed it to extlogin.aspx and updated the loginUrl in the web.config to point to the new page. However, now when I browse to the login page I receive a '401 Unauthorized' error. Do I need to change another setting?
Any ideas on the 401 unauthorized error. Does this have something to do with the app pool account?
I've seen this once before but I'm not sure if I have an answer other than re-install your farm. This most certainly is a permission issue but I haven't seen it enough to thoroughly debug the issue. Sorry I couldn't be more help. Please let me know if you find the answer.
I manually added the password reset link to the login page. However, when I click on it it takes me back to the sign in page and adds the password reset URL to the ReturnURL query string. If I login, then it takes me to the password reset page. Do I need to configure specific permisions to "_Layouts/SPSolutions/Delegation/ResetMyPassword.aspx"? My service account is a local admin, farm admin, and site collection admin.
The 'Reset My Password' and 'Registration' pages needs to be accessed before the user authenticates. To allow these pages to be accessed anonymously you need to grant a bit of anonymous access to your site. SharePoint supports three levels of anonymous access; None, Lists and Libraries, Entire Site. Most customers choose the Lists and Libraries anonymous level as it restricts anonymous access to all site resources unless explicitly granted. In addition, it allows anonymous access to layout pages that have been marked for anonymous access. The registration page is falls under this category.
If you would like to read more about SharePoint's anonymous access levels please read the great Microsoft article below.
(Enable anonymous access)
Hi Jeremy,
I modified the anonymous access settings as described by you and the Microsoft article for "Lists and Libraries". To mark layout pages for anonymous acces, do I go through IIS Manager?
These pages are marked by the ExCM application. However, you do have to turn on anonymous access for your IIS Site. This can be done from Central Administration -> Application Management -> Authentication Providers -> (Select Web App) -> (Click Zone)
Thank you for your assistance with this. It was the annonymous access settings that were holding me back. Did I miss this step in your documentation?