Cannot use CAML <QueryOptions> with $SPUtility

I've reviewed all your samples and I can't see to figure out how to send the QueryOptions

Here is what I came up  with but it doesnt work


## Get the city list
#set( $list = $web.lists.get_item("Provisioning Requests") )

## Build a CAML query
#set( $caml = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='ID' /><Value Type='Number'>" )
#set( $caml = "$!{caml} $!{RequestID}" )
#set( $caml = "$!{caml}</Value></Eq></Where>" )
#set( $caml = "$!{caml}")
#set( $queryOptions = "<QueryOptions><ExpandUserField>TRUE</ExpandUserField></QueryOptions>" )

#set( $query = $SPUtility.CreateSPQuery($caml) )

## Get the list items
#set( $listItems = $list.GetItems($queryOptions,"",$query,"") )

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