Error When Installing Web Part Components

Just downloaded the 64-bit version and the install was going great until it got to "Deploy Data Zoom Web Part to a content site." The System Check was successful. In the "Configuring Components" step I get a failure with the following error:


ServerName : http://ServerName:17101/ : NoletConnect - 17101 :
Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Licensing.Xheo.dll.
SERVERNAME : Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Licensing.Xheo.dll.
***** ERROR *****
SERVERNAME : http://ServerName:17101/ : NoletConnect - 17101 :
Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Licensing.Xheo.dll.
SERVERNAME : Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Licensing.Xheo.dll.
CodePlex.SharePointInstaller.InstallException: SERVERNAME : http://ServerName:17101/ : NoletConnect - 17101 :
Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Licensing.Xheo.dll.
SERVERNAME : Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Licensing.Xheo.dll.
 ---> CodePlex.SharePointInstaller.InstallException: SERVERNAME : http://ServerName:17101/ : NoletConnect - 17101 :
Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Licensing.Xheo.dll.
SERVERNAME : Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Licensing.Xheo.dll.
   at CodePlex.SharePointInstaller.InstallProcessControl.WaitForJobCompletionCommand.Execute()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at CodePlex.SharePointInstaller.InstallProcessControl.WaitForJobCompletionCommand.Execute()
   at CodePlex.SharePointInstaller.InstallProcessControl.TimerEventInstall(Object myObject, EventArgs myEventArgs)

I am logged on as an administrator with full access.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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    Matthew McBride

    The most common problem causing the 'Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache'  is that the assembly already exists in the Global Assembly Cache. You can logon to your server and check this by clicking 'Start -> Run -> Assembly' and locating the assembly with the specified name. The easiest way to correct the issue is to remove the assembly and re-run the installer. You can also try an IISRESET or a system reset to remove any locks on the assembly.

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