Feature: Site Reporting
Excel documents can be produced on a schedule providing basic site information like owner, location, properties, and last accessed date.
Feature: Tokens representing User fields are now supported by the Group Configuration Provisioning Template
User field tokens can now be used by the Group Configuration Provisioning Template. When a user field token is found, the users selected in the field replace the token content. This allows a dynamic user set to be added to new or existing SharePoint Groups.
Symptom: Site Collection Owner added as a member of new SharePoint Groups
SharePoint Groups created by the Group Configuration Provisioning Template contain the site collection owner as a member. This account is no longer added as a member of the new group.
Symptom: New Site missing Access Request data
When a new site was create it was missing the Access Request data. Access Request data for new sites are now added if the Web Application allows access requests and the requesting user has an e-mail address.
Symptom: SharePoint Groups missing from the Quick Launch menu
SharePoint Groups created by the Group Configuration Provisioning Template are not added to the quick launch menu located on the People and Groups page.