Cannot Create SPA Site - Operation in Progress

Load control template file /_controltemplates/WebTemplatePickerControl.ascx failed: The resource object with key 'WebTemplatePicker_SiteSection_Title' was not found.

 I have a bunch of errors that look like the above. It occurs when the solution is deployed to the web application that I have selected on the farm.

What gives?

I have the following farm topology 64bit

2 WFE Servers
2 APP Servers
1 SQL Clustered

Denzil Fernandes
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  • 0
    Matthew McBride

    This type of error typically occurs when a resource file does not get copied to the correct location by the SharePoint deployment engine. Typically you can force SharePoint to update the resource files with the following command…

    stsadm –o copyappbincontent 

    However, this command is hit or miss. If that doesn’t work check for the existence of the prov.resx file in your App_GlobalResources directory of your IIS virtual directory. This file should be identical to ’12\Config\Resources\prov.resx’. If the file does not exist or is different you can manually copy the prov.resx file into the App_GlobalResources directory. Perform an IISRESET to update the resource file.

    Jeremy Luerkens
    Manager, Software Production
    SharePoint Solutions
  • 0
    Matthew McBride

    Thanks I will do that. I read that in another topic as well.

     Btw, the site was created but it didnt show the default.aspx page. When I browsed to url/_layouts/settings.aspx  I could see it created the site

    Denzil Fernandes
  • 0
    Matthew McBride

    The above suggetion did not resolve my problem. 

    Resolved By Granting the WPG (Worker Process Group) FC on the Global_AppResource Directory underneath the application root directory



    Denzil Fernandes
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