I am trying to create my own templates for some of the alerts I have created and was wondering where in SharePoint Designer I might find the current alert templates? I am wanting to use one of them as my starting point. I have, by way of SD, looked through what seems to be my entire site as well as Central Admin and have found nothing. The 'manage Alert Template Settings' page has left me with the impression that it is possible to create your own templates.
Creating new Alert templates
Matthew McBride Alert templates are defined in an XML file in the SharePoint 12 Hive. Here is the path to the file...
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\XML\alerttemplates.xml
To create a new template from an existing template modify the existing alerttemplates.xml file to include your new template and update the alert templates on your farm with STSADM. This command will look like this...
stsadm -o updatealerttemplates -url [url] -filename [xmlfilename]The Alert Manager 2007 tool allows you to create new alert templates from the UI. However, the functionality limits the user to editing the notification message. You can't update the available alert properties with Alert Manager 2007. This can be done from Central Administration or on the fly from the Add Alert page.
Jeremy Luerkens
Manager, Software Production
SharePoint Solutions