Modifying Alert Templates AFTER the alert has been created
Matthew McBride Alert Templates are shared, global objects. Changes to an existing Alert Template will be applied to any and all alerts using the defined Alert Template.
Jeremy Luerkens
Manager, Software Production
SharePoint Solutions -
Matthew McBride Thanks, Jeremy,
That's what I was HOPING to hear.
Any thoughts about the second part: the difficulty that SharePoint seems to have with nested AD/Exchange groups?
Matthew McBride oops.
I'm getting an "access denied" error -- and I'm and Intranet Owner, with full control.
Also, the sub-site where the alerts originate has it's own groups (trip reports visitors/members/owners) and I'm an owner with full control there, too.
Is there any further place (I'm thinking about where Alerts Manager lives) that I might need permission to?
Matthew McBride Can you please provide the page name, page URL and navigation path used to generate the error?
Jeremy Luerkens
Manager, Software Production
SharePoint Solutions -
Matthew McBride to see the alerts: http://sharepoint/groups/ops/tripreports/_layouts/SPSolutions/AlertManager/ManageAlerts.aspx
while I'm editing the alert: http://sharepoint/groups/ops/tripreports/_layouts/SPSolutions/AlertManager/EditAlert.aspx?Alert=90bd8d5d-b6d3-4427-a029-6dd3687d907e&Source=http%3A%2F%2Fsharepoint%2Fgroups%2Fops%2Ftripreports%2F%5Flayouts%2FSPSolutions%2FAlertManager%2FManageAlerts%2Easpx
"groups" is a site in our "sharepoint" site collection.
"ops" is a sub-site, and "tripreports" is a sub-site of "ops"
if that helps.
Matthew McBride ping!
any thoughts on my issue?
Matthew McBride Can you verify/grant temporary access to the following accounts to see if it is a permission error pertaining to a SharePoint resource?
Make your account a Site Collection Administrators. From your previous message is sounds like your account is only an 'Owner' and you have a site collection created at the root of the web application. A Site Collection Administrator has more permissions than a site owner.
Make your account a Farm Administrator.
Make your Application Pool Identity a Farm Administrator.
Please be sure to perform an IISRESET after each modification to remove any cached permissions. If you still have the issue we can probably rule out any permissions issues to a SharePoint resource. We can then turn our attention to file/database resources.
Jeremy Luerkens
Manager, Software Production
SharePoint Solutions -