Access Denied when using custom Alert template

After testing Alert Manager on our test server (which is an exact copy of the live server) we have purchased Alert Manager this morning.
The installation was no problem but when I tried to use a custom template for a alert (this is needed in our case as we use Sharepoint group to sent the alerts) I get an ACCESS DENIED message.
This message occurs only when I want to use a custom alert template. I already re-installed the Sharepoint feature but no change.

Does anyone has the solution to this problem

Jeroen Vreeke
ICT engineer ModuSpec Engineering (int) BV

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    Matthew McBride

    This is a know issue. Your application pool identity needs to be an Farm Administrator and have access to the configuration database to create new alert template. As a work around you can create the alert template from Central Administration before you create the alert. Then during the alert creation process select the existing template from the list. You can create a custom alert template from Central Administration by clicking Application Management -> Manage Alert Templates. To use the Central Administration features you need to deploy Alert Manager the Central Administration using the Component Configuration tool.

    Jeremy Luerkens
    Manager, Software Production
    SharePoint Solutions
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