We have a MOSS 2007 farm with 5 WFE’s and a CA server. Two of the WFEs were just added to the farm a couple of weeks ago and we’re attempting to get Alert Manager working correctly. For some reason Alert Manager thinks these two WFE’s have trial licenses installed. If I point my browser at the other three WFEs Alert Manager works fine, shows that we have the full license installed.
I’ve copied the AM2007Standard-Full.lic to c:\program files\common files\BambooShared\License and to c:\program files\common files\XHEO\ShareLicenses. I copied to both just in case… We should have enough licenses to cover the two new WFEs.
I’ve reviewed http://help.sharepointsolutions.com/products/alertmanager/Troubleshooting_InvalidLicense.html but don’t see anything that will help me.
Is there something special that needs to be done when adding new WFEs to a farm?