Added new WFEs to farm - license issue

We have a MOSS 2007 farm with 5 WFE’s and a CA server.  Two of the WFEs were just added to the farm a couple of weeks ago and we’re attempting to get Alert Manager working correctly.  For some reason Alert Manager thinks these two WFE’s have trial licenses installed.  If I point my browser at the other three WFEs Alert Manager works fine, shows that we have the full license installed.

I’ve copied the AM2007Standard-Full.lic to c:\program files\common files\BambooShared\License and to c:\program files\common files\XHEO\ShareLicenses.  I copied to both just in case…  We should have enough licenses to cover the two new WFEs.

I’ve reviewed but don’t see anything that will help me. 

Is there something special that needs to be done when adding new WFEs to a farm?


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  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    Can you tell me if you see any .LIC files in the following directories on your new servers..

    • c:\program files\common files\Xheo\sharedlicenses\
    • c:\program files (x86)\common files\Xheo\sharedlicenses\

    In addition, does the following registry key exist? If so, what is the value.

    • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\XHEO\Licensing\SharedLicenseFolder
  • 0
    John Sperger

    Yes I have the AM2007Standard-Full.lic file in c:\program files\common files\Xheo\sharedlicenses\.  I do NOT have a XHEO folder under c:\program files(x86)\common files.

    I do NOT have a XHEO folder located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE

    On one of my good WFEs (the three WFEs that work) I do have a Xheo folder at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE and have a Binary Value that is blank.


  • 0
    Permanently deleted user

    In some cases an IISRESET is necessary to reload the license files. Did you perform and IISRESET? If you did and still do not see a valid license message please open a ticket and we'll setup a GoToMeeting to review your configuration.

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