Installation Error


I receive the following error when I tried to install ExCM Standard.  Is this a permissions issue?

testweb1 : http://testweb1:8088/ : SharePoint - PorkalExtranet Internal - 8088 :
Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Common.dll.
testweb1 : Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Common.dll.

***** ERROR *****
testweb1 : http://testweb1:8088/ : SharePoint - PorkalExtranet Internal - 8088 :
Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Common.dll.
testweb1 : Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Common.dll.

Mondosoft.g: testweb1 : http://testweb1:8088/ : SharePoint - PorkalExtranet Internal - 8088 :
Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Common.dll.
testweb1 : Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Common.dll.
 ---> Mondosoft.g: testweb1 : http://testweb1:8088/ : SharePoint - PorkalExtranet Internal - 8088 :
Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Common.dll.
testweb1 : Error: Cannot add the specified assembly to the global assembly cache: SPSolutions.Common.dll.

   at Mondosoft.k.j.Execute()
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at Mondosoft.k.j.Execute()
   at Mondosoft.k.b(Object , EventArgs )
testweb1 : http://testweb1:8088/ : The solution was successfully retracted.



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  • 0
    Matthew McBride

    Ensure the account you are install the application with is a...

    • Local System Administrators on each Web-Front-End server
    • Is a SharePoint Farm Administrators
    • Is a Site Collection Administrator of the root Site Collection of the target Web Application

    In rare cases there is something else on your machine preventing deployment. For example if the assembly is already installed into your GAC. In this case you can safely remove the assembly from your Global Assembly Cache. In addition, a manual deployment may correct your issue. You can find the ExCM solution file here...

    c:\program files\SharePoint Solutions\Extranet Collaboration Manager\Packages\

  • 0
    Matthew McBride


     I was logged in as a local administrator, farm administrator, and site collection administrator.  I uninstalled ExCM and re-installed (selecting the typical installation).  This time it installed just fine.


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